Rega Valve isis

Valve version of Rega's reference Isis CD


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Rega Valve Isis

The Rega Valve Isis

Rega’s renowned head electronics engineer, Terry Bateman, dedicated 10 years to researching the concept of a CD player incorporating valves in the output amplifier. Valves have been extensively employed in musical instrument and recording amplification since the 1950s to the present day. Hence, developing a valve-based CD player aligns seamlessly with the signal chain found in such applications.

Valve version of Rega’s reference Isis CD Player

The valve Isis shares the same digital and USB sections as found in the solid-state version. However, the analogue stage is valve-based with passive filtering. This stage incorporates two military specification triple mica 5814A (ECC82/12AU7) triodes driven by the revolutionary Wolfson WM8741 ultra-high-performance digital-to-analog converter.

Key Features

  • Rega’s advanced CD technology
  • Twin Wolfson DACs
  • Rega ‘K-Power’ smoothing capacitors
  • Custom designed reference case
  • CNC reference remote control
  • Lifetime warranty against manufacture defects